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Create a Website with AI: No Coding Required

In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for personal branding, showcasing your work, or promoting your business. However, creating a website from scratch can seem daunting, especially if you don’t have a background in web development. Fortunately, with the help of AI, anyone can create a simple, modern, and stylish single-page website without any coding experience. Plus, you can host your site for free on platforms like GitHub and Netlify.

Using AI to Generate Your Website 🤖

There are several AI-powered tools available that can help you create a website with minimal effort. Two popular options are ChatGPT and Claude, both powerful language models that can generate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code based on your prompts.

If you’re using Claude, you can take advantage of the recently released prompt library, which offers a collection of pre-written prompts for various tasks, including website creation.

To get started, simply describe the layout, design, and content you want for your website. For example, you could tell the AI:

“Create a one-page website based on the given specifications, delivered as an HTML file with embedded JavaScript and CSS. The website should incorporate a variety of engaging and interactive design features, such as drop-down menus, dynamic text and content, clickable buttons, and more. Ensure that the design is visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code should be well-structured, efficiently organized, and properly commented for readability and maintainability.”

Then, customize the prompt with your specific details and needs.

Use Cases for Your AI-Generated Website 💡

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using your AI-generated website. Here are a few ideas:

  • Personal Identity Site: Create a central hub for all your online profiles and social media accounts, similar to a custom Linktree.
  • Resume or Portfolio: Showcase your work, skills, and achievements in a clean, professional format.
  • Business or Club Website: Promote your organization, share information about your products or services, and provide contact details.
  • Blog: Share your thoughts, experiences, or expertise on a topic you’re passionate about.

A Real-Life Example 🌟

Recently, I had the opportunity to help my friend Marc revamp his business website using this AI-powered approach. Since his company doesn’t rely on online orders or sales, a static website was the perfect solution. By using ChatGPT to generate the code and uploading the files to his webhost, we were able to create a modern, stylish website that effectively showcases his business without any development costs.

Hosting Your Website on GitHub 🐙

If you don’t already have a web hosting service, once you have your html code, you can host it for free on GitHub Pages. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub and name it
  2. Upload your website files (HTML, CSS, and any images) to the repository.
  3. Go to the repository settings and enable GitHub Pages.
  4. Your website will be live at

Hosting Your Website on Netlify 🌐

Another option for free website hosting is Netlify. Netlify offers a user-friendly interface and easy deployment process. Here’s how to host your website on Netlify:

  1. Sign up for a free Netlify account.
  2. Drag and drop your website files into the Netlify dashboard.
  3. Netlify will automatically deploy your website and provide you with a unique URL.
  4. You can customize your domain settings and add SSL encryption for added security.


Creating a website doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or require coding skills. By leveraging the power of AI and free hosting services like GitHub and Netlify, anyone can create a simple, modern, and stylish website for personal or business use. So why not give it a try and see what you can create?

Share with me: What other use cases can you think of for an AI-generated, single-page website? Share your experiences and ideas in the comments below! 💬

Published Mar 16, 2024

My personal web log where I write about tech, tunes, and travel!